After some years working for renewable energy companies, I was exposed to a variety of technologies of “green” energy generation. while the largest of them was definitely solar, there is also wind turbines and wave generators.
To have clean energy we have to examine how we consume electricity and after a short monitoring period and to decide a method of operation
If it’s not measured, It can’t be managed
If You were wondering what 32% reduction of consumption looks like, this is an annual comparison of ‘Before & after’ a building automation system designed to conserve energy. The difference is about 500MWh / year, or about $62,500.

Designed simply, using EasyIO Europe user friendly FG devices and monitored for efficiency with Panoramic Power. Building in Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
To reach a true clean energy solution we have to decide on an energy efficiency plan. This is a progress that is focused on lowering the energy consumption footprint of the organization without harming any process, with simple steps:
Clean energy – not science fiction
- Measurement, monitoring and analysis of each energy consumer
before and after the process, Trying to reach the precise energy required for each consumer without harm and to minimize any waste - Finding more efficient methods for the same results (or better)
Every efficiency plan, whether it is by the client or by an external advisor, starts and ends with an energy monitoring protocol that helps to find the energy inefficiency and vulnerabilities of the organization. This protocol will be used while and after each step in order to keep the efficiency levels higher over time.
“Take only what You need to survive”
(LoneStarr / Space balls, 1987)
Most of us use our resources freely, especially when they are not coming out of our own pocket and we are not aware of the fact that if We only used what We need, Our comfort does not change but our energy footprint, the resources we save and the money spent can be greatly reduced.
An energy efficiency plan requires many skills. for each project we need to find the optimal solution with many considerations and a wide view of the project and resources required. When You have reached the stage when You have decided on an energy efficiency step, notice the components of the procedure and the steps required, keep a specifications log of anything That may assist in the following steps:
- Measurements and mapping the organizational energy footprints – Monitoring systems and energy resources
- Decisions on technological solutions that stand the test of quality and economic efficiency of Your organization
- Funding and producing the project
- Managing and controlling the project to keep the efficiency levels for the long run
- Remote monitoring and preventive maintenance