
Cloud solutions, web design, portals, CRM systems and monitoring deployment services

Since 2001, I’ve been studying and developing various web services. I keep up to date with current security and methodologies of building and deploying various Applications, web, mobile and machine interfaces. I’ll try to post some tips on the subject when available. meanwhile my experience has shown to keep:

  • Language flexibility: keeping up to date with methods of popular languages like PHP, NodeJS and Python but at night also program C++ and Golang for testing (and amusement… ?!)
  • Building Automation systems and IoT open source development also requires deep and wide knowledge of web application architectures. Keep Your connection Secure but Your friends Securer 🙂
  • I suggest keeping MMI design as simple as possible and keep it (if possible) in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Some interfaces (i.e. electronic meters) require the interface to be in C++ and I’ve even encountered Assembly in one installation. I can only suggest trying to drive the data to the web in any way possible. This will ensure that in the future, any interface change can be made on the fly without the need to solder a wire.

I’ll do my best to update this list of clients that have allowed public web applications to be listed here:

  • Lnet Kfar Saba: “in the right direction” conference website
  • Greentops Energy “Energy Portal” website and several instances that analyze backup energy data
  • Greentops Solar and Greentops Energy company websites and platforms
  • Treatline medical applications website
  • A public Moodle E-Learning platform I’m building and hosting for students and clients to share valuable lessons between them. If You like to open a course Yourself You are most welcome to contact me.
"In the right direction" conference website built for LNET technologies
“In the right direction” LNET technologies conference
Energy Portal - Greentops energy monitoring services
“Energy Portal” Greentops monitoring services

Dry Now - water restoration services
Dry Now – water restoration services
Dr. Karabelnik skin care products
Dr. Karabelnik skin care products

"The carpenter" woodworking services website
“The carpenter” woodworking services website
Greentops Energy website
Greentops Energy website

Moodle E-learning courses
Moodle E-learning courses

I have been delivering various solutions to my clients over the years, I’ll do my best to update this list with the clients and technologies I’ve used to create them.

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